ParENTrepreneurs Competence Framework in 5 languages

This parENTrepreneurs Competence Framework outlines parental entrepreneurial skills. It was developed as part of the Erasmus+ project of the same name. This report outlines the objectives and goals that drive the framework, the 10 parENTrepreneurs parental entrepreneurial skills along four progression levels broken down by a child’s development phases as shown in different age bands, and finally outlines which tools the parENTrepreneurs project provides to help parents and parent organisations develop parents’ entrepreneurial competences.

The framework is footed on the European Union’s EntreComp framework that outlines entrepreneurship as a competence where entrepreneurship is understood as value creation where the benefit may be financial but may also be cultural or social.

Read the framework in English here: IO1 parENTrepreneurs Competence Framework

French translation: Parentrepreneurs framework FR

Spanish translation: IO1 parENTrepreneurs framework ESPAÑOL

Italian translation: IO1 parENTrepreneurs framework _IT_ok

Finnish translation: IO1 parENTrepreneurs framework – final_FI