DARE – Day One Alliance for Employment

Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Portugal face challenges in career planning, entrepreneurship training and validation of learning. The experience of other European countries has shown that initiatives to improve the above areas increase employment opportunities for young people.

The proposed interventions in DARE include job labs and entrepreneurship labs for 1,400 young people who are not in education, employment or training. A system of validation of non-formal learning with open badges is put in place for the benefit of the participants.

The target groups of the project are:

(A) Young people without employment, education or training (NEET) in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Portugal. The target group includes the long-term unemployed, discouraged people who are no longer looking for work, inactive women caring for children or disabled adults, ethnic minorities such as Roma, asylum seekers, the low-skilled, people with mental health problems and people with disabilities.

(B) Employees who wish to support the Open Badges system for validating non-formal learning.

More on the project: https://sealcyprus.org/dare/

To follow the developments of the project on Facebook, please follow the link https://www.facebook.com/DareDay1Youth

Read the original press release English_Press Release_Dare_EEA_WKO_AUstria_v2_16.09.2020