Better Together – Training and Mentoring Framework for Parent and Peer Advocates

The inclusion of children with special educational needs and disabilities (SENDs) in daily classrooms is considered a high priority. Nonetheless, its implementation in practice is affected by a wide range of factors, some of which are related with the involvement and attitudes of diverse stakeholders, such as parents of typically developing children, and teachers. Importantly, inclusion and inclusive education are described as benefiting not only children with SENDs (e.g., friendships, increased social initiations, relationships, and networks), but also children without SENDs, their parents and teachers (e.g., increased opportunities to master activities by practising and teaching others, development of empathy skills, increased appreciation, and acceptance of individual differences).
This framework aims to provide information, activities, and proposals for reflection, to sensitise and promote positive attitudes regarding inclusion and inclusive education. It is addressed to parents of typically developing children and also teachers, who play an important role in promoting equal opportunities and inclusive education, and consequently more social inclusion and fairer societies, where the rights of all children and their families are met. It is why we call this framework “Better Together”.
In this training and mentoring framework, you will find (1) a self-assessment tool, (2) a knowledge section with several topics related to inclusion and diversity, (3) in-person training session plans to develop competences towards the promotion of inclusion, and (4) diverse practical tools and strategies to support you in facilitating the acquisition of such competences.