
  1. Internet of Toys: an interview

    Internet of Toys: an interview

    Read an interesting interview with Bieke Zaman on the Internet of...
  2. Effects_of_Father_Involvement

    This document presents an updated overview of the key trends...
  3. A Matter of Time: Father Involvement and Child Cognitive Outcomes

    This study provides the first systematic account of how father–child...
  4. Guidance on Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning

    Guidance on Working with Parents to Support Children’s Learning

    Report by the Education Endowment Foundation (UK) “Schools and parents have...
  5. Global Education Meeting 2018 – background documents

    Global Education Meeting 2018 – background documents

    The Global Education Meeting (GEM) 2018 was held in Brussels...
  6. Supporting your intersex child – toolkit

    Supporting your intersex child – toolkit

    Finding out that your child is intersex may come as a...
  7. Engaging with families to transform education

    Engaging with families to transform education

    Global Family Research Project published a new report on the...
  8. Program P – for fatherhood

    Program P – for fatherhood

    Program P by ManCare, a global fatherhood campaign is named...
  9. Future Memory

    Future Memory

    In our western culture, the life script is something like:...
  10. Parents’ Guide to Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Use and Abuse

    Parents’ Guide to Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco Use and Abuse

    The team of has prepared a guide for parents...
  11. Art and play – parents’ guide to early years education from Mexico in Spanish

    Art and play – parents’ guide to early years education from Mexico in Spanish

    The initial education department of the Secretaría de Educación Pública...
  12. Umgang mit Kontroversen – Managing Controversies German Version

    Umgang mit Kontroversen – Managing Controversies German Version

    Tool für Schulleitungen und Führungskräfte zum Umgang mit Kontroversen und zum...
  13. Managing Controversy – A Whole School Training Tool by the Council of Europe

    Managing Controversy – A Whole School Training Tool by the Council of Europe

    This tool is primarily aiming at school leaders and senior managers for...
  14. Olivais on Vacations

    Olivais on Vacations

    This slideshow introduces an inspiring practice from Portugal: a summer...
  15. Successful Educational Plan Template

    Successful Educational Plan Template

    This template will help you to develop an action plan...
  16. Successful Educational Action Planning

    Successful Educational Action Planning

    You can find a simple description of SEA and its...
  17. Young children (0-8) and digital technology

    Young children (0-8) and digital technology

    In this 2015 study by Stephane Chaudron (Joint Research Centre)...
  18. Kaleidoscope on the Internet of Toys

    Kaleidoscope on the Internet of Toys

    In this 2017 publication by the Joint Research Centre and...
  19. How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: The role of income, education and parental style

    How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: The role of income, education and parental style

    In this 2015 publication by EU Kids Online focuses  on the...
  20. Protecting children from sexual abuse – Guide for parents and caregivers

    Protecting children from sexual abuse – Guide for parents and caregivers

    Child sexual abuse is one of the worst forms of...
  21. Parents’ Guide to Careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

    Parents’ Guide to Careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

    Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) are not as popular...