Building Strong Foundations: The Essential Role of Family Engagement in Education

Family Engagement in Education in crucial to help children in their growth process. Launching children on a pathway to success is akin to launching astronauts into space; it requires a cohesive team effort involving families, teachers, principals, afterschool programs, and community members working together. Over the past two years, NAFSCE has explored the knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed by family-facing professionals to foster strong family, school, and community partnerships. The result is the Family Engagement Core Competencies, a comprehensive guide designed to support family-facing professionals in their critical roles. These competencies serve as a compass, helping to promote healthier, more equitable, and just communities by turning family engagement from a secondary task into a central pillar of educational practice.

The Family Engagement Core Competencies aim to unify and enhance existing efforts across various roles and stages of children’s development. Effective family engagement has been proven to increase school readiness, improve academic and social-emotional skills, and boost high school graduation rates. For family-facing professionals, being well-prepared to engage families leads to greater job satisfaction and efficacy. However, many professionals still feel underprepared, highlighting the urgent need for more robust training and professional development. By integrating family engagement into their practice, educators and community leaders can build stronger, more trusting relationships with families, particularly those most underserved, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to thrive.

Check out this excellent tool on the IPA Library