6 Global Lessons on Family Engagement in Education: Transforming Schools Through Community Partnerships

The “Six Global Lessons on How Family, School, and Community Engagement Can Transform Education” report, produced by EducAid in Sierra Leone, highlights the critical role of families and communities in supporting students and schools. Drawing from over two years of research and hundreds of conversations across six continents, the report underscores the importance of strong partnerships between families, educators, and community groups. These collaborations foster relational trust and a shared vision for education, essential for creating equitable, inclusive, and high-quality educational environments. Lead researcher Foday Kalokoh emphasizes that schools are both a reflection of and a pillar for community development, and that their success is intertwined with the support they receive from families and communities.

The research further explores how education systems transformation relies on the active involvement of families. It argues that families are vital actors in education at all levels, from local schools to national policy. The report introduces the concept of the four C’s—coherence, cohesion, care, and contact—as foundational elements for building strong family, school, and community partnerships. By centering these partnerships in education systems, the report advocates for a shift in power dynamics, enabling a collective approach to decision-making and educational change. This community-driven approach is crucial in addressing global challenges and ensuring that education remains relevant and responsive to the evolving needs of students and society.

Read this inspiring report ihttps://parentsinternational.org/n IPA’s Library